3.5 Shots
0.5 Tackles
2.5 Shots
1.5 Shots
39.5 Passes Attempted
1.5 Shots
3.5 Shots
0.5 Fouls
2.5 Shots
1.5 Shots
0.5 Shots On Target
1.5 Fouls
1.5 Shots
1.5 Shots
0.5 Shots
59.5 Passes Attempted
1.5 Tackles
The UEFA Champions League has reached the second legs of the knockout phase playoffs, and we have your preview and picks for today’s slate.
The UEFA Champions League has reached the second legs of the knockout phase playoffs, and we have your preview and picks for today’s slate.
The UEFA Champions League has reached the knockout phase playoffs, and we have your preview and picks for this week’s slate.